Notes from Over the Hill
After writing for magazines, radio and television, Martha Morgan found her niche with her column, "Notes From Over the Hill," launched in 1993. With the percentage of elderly on the rise, Martha's humorous look at the quirks and foibles of aging strikes a responsive chord. At the urging of readers Martha published her first book, The Other Side of the Hill, which quickly sold out. Notes from Over the HIll is a new collection from her column. Martha continued to write her column from Luther Tower, a seniors' high-rise in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, until her death at the age of 92 in 2014.
Read more about Martha's fascinating life in this tribute from the Saskatoon Star Phoenix:
Join us on the Siretona blog for Martha Mondays, where we will feature some of Martha's columns that did not make it into the book or items gleaned from her first collection, Over the Hill.